You´ve Edited the Gene. Now What?

With CRISPR/Cas9 moving from a research tool into adaption as personalized medicine, safety concerns have to be addressed: an understanding of the effects on the targeted gene, but also potential off-target effects is desired.

Mass spectrometry allows for unbiased information on all detectable proteins addressing the need for understanding the overall impact of gene therapies.

A label-free mass spectrometry approach has been applied both to confirm protein level changes induced by gene editing and to measure the proteome wide changes that occur in response to the system perturbation in a single experiment. Additionally, the method does not require antibodies, making it broadly applicable to many organisms.


Download the technotes below to get the control of your edition.

Confirming Gene Silencing with CRISPR-Cas9 at the Protein Level Using SWATH® Acquisition on TripleTOF® Systems
Confirming Gene Silencing with CRISPR-Cas9 at the Protein Level Using SWATH® Acquisition on TripleTOF® Systems
Global proteome profiling of CRISPR_Cas9 induced insertions and deletions
Global proteome profiling of CRISPR_Cas9 induced insertions and deletions
RNA Analysis for CRISPR by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection
RNA Analysis for CRISPR by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection
You´ve Edited the Gene. Now What?
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