CMN Weekly (30 June 2023) - Your Weekly CRISPR Medicine News

Some of the best links we picked up around the internet

By: Gorm Palmgren - Jun. 30, 2023


Top picks

  • Unpublished research presented at a conference this week warns that CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in early human embryos could have unexpected and dangerous consequences because the embryonic cells are often unable to repair damage to their DNA. A press release from the 39th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) reports that Nada Kubikova from the University of Oxford (UK) detected alterations at the targeted DNA sites in 24 out of 25 embryos. However, only 9% of targeted sites were repaired using the clinically useful homology-directed repair (HDR) process, and 51% of broken DNA strands underwent nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). The remaining 40% of broken DNA strands failed to be repaired. The unrepaired breaks led to large pieces of chromosomes being lost or duplicated. If affected embryos were transferred to the uterus and produced a baby, they would carry a risk of severe congenital abnormalities. Other scientists have commented on the research, and some point to the possibility of using less intrusive gene-editing techniques like base or prime editing instead of CRISPR-Cas9.
  • Microbes are not the only organisms with programmable gene-editing enzymes, according to a new study led by Feng Zhang at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The researchers have uncovered the first programmable RNA-guided system in eukaryotes, namely the microscopic fungus Spizellomycespunctatus. It is based on a protein called Fanzor and can be reprogrammed to edit the genome of human cells. Because Fanzor systems are compact, they are easier to deliver to cells and tissues than CRISPR-Cas systems. With improved targeting efficiency, they become a valuable asset in the human genome-editing toolbox.




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News: CMN Weekly (30 June 2023) - Your Weekly CRISPR Medicine News
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