CMN Weekly (23 June 2023) - Your Weekly CRISPR Medicine News

Some of the best links we picked up around the internet

By: Gorm Palmgren - Jun. 23, 2023


Top picks

  • Anxiety and other neurological disorders might be next in line for a CRISPR cure, according to new research in mice from the American genetic neuro-engineering company Cognigenics. The serotonin receptor gene HTR2A, which regulates mood and is implicated in anxiety and depression disorders, was targeted in the brain with CRISPR-Cas9. To overcome the blood-brain barrier (BBB), the researchers used intranasal delivery of an inactivated adeno-associated virus subtype 9 (AAV9) that carried vectors expressing Cas9 and gRNAs in neurons. The treatment led to an 8-fold reduction of HTR2A protein expression in mice after CRISPR and several behavioural tests demonstrated reduced anxiety in treated mice comparable to treatment with benzodiazepine diazepam.
  • Chinese researchers have used adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) in retinal vascular endothelial cells in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy. The results showed that genome editing of VEGFR2 suppressed pathological retinal angiogenesis, indicating genome editing has a high potential for treating angiogenesis-associated retinopathies.




Reviews and commentaries

Webinars and perspectives

Huh, heh, wow

  • A transparent albino squid has been produced by American scientists who used CRISPR-Cas9 to deactivate two pigmentation enzymes in the invertebrate. The feat can be used for live imaging neural activity in these behaviorally sophisticated organisms.

News from CRISPR Medicine News

  • Monday, we wrote about a dual CRISPR strategy to eliminate HIV in humanised mice. We interviewed the two senior authors - Howard Gendelman and Kamel Khalili - and learned about their approach for a one-shot CRISPR cure for HIV that has proved to eliminate the replication-competent virus in 58% of infected mice.

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News: CMN Weekly (23 June 2023) - Your Weekly CRISPR Medicine News
Transthyretin Amyloidosis, ATTR, (NCT06539208)
YolTech Therapeutics Co., Ltd
IND Enabling
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Phase II
Phase III
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IND Enabling
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