CRISPRMED24 Testimonial - Laura Castilla-Vallmanya, Ph.D
Laura Castilla-Vallmanya is a postdoctoral researcher at the Molecular Neurogenetics group led by Prof. Johan Jakobsson at Lund Stem Cell Center (Sweden), where she investigates the role of transposable elements (TEs) and their regulators in neurodevelopmental disorders using advanced 2D and 3D in vitro iPSC-based cell models, CRISPR methods and next generation sequencing. In this WeDoCRISPR video, she reflects on presenting her research at the inaugural CRISPR Medicine Conference in April 2024, in which she and her colleagues described the link between TE repressor mutations and neurodevelopmental disorders. She particularly valued the conference's unique focus on academia-industry collaboration and its insights into translating CRISPR technologies from research to clinical applications, noting its relevance for scientists at all career stages.